Case study: building a puzzle game using AS3 and OOP
[ Article / Tutorial | November 10, 2007 ] by Eitan Avgil
Learn how to create a simple "match the colors" puzzle game using OOP techniques in Actionscript 3
Tile layout in AS3
[ Article / Tutorial | October 29, 2007 ] by Eitan Avgil
How to make a tile based layout in AS3 using OOP architecture.
Data Structures: Linked List
[ Article / Tutorial | September 07, 2007 ] by baczy a.k.a Michael Baczynski
An interesting trip in the world of data structures. The tutorial will guide you through the inner workings of lists with great visual examples. Also the articles points out the strengths and weaknesses of various types of list structures.
Building MMO Virtual Worlds
[ Article / Tutorial | July 21, 2007 ] by Marco Lapi, a.k.a Lapo
An in-depth article about building advanced multi-player virtual worlds in Flash, talking about architecture, security, performance and a lot more...
AStar 3D prototype
[ Prototype | July 11, 2007 ] by Paul Spitzer
An Actionscript 3.0 implementation of the A* algorithm in 3D
Skeletal Animations
[ Article / Tutorial | May 12, 2007 ] by Jochen Diehl, aka joeydee
An interesting tutorial showing how to create an impressive skeletal-animated human character
Fisix Trucks prototype
[ Prototype | May 12, 2007 ] by Nicolas Lierman
An interesting trucks-like prototype showing off the capabilities of the Actionscript 3 Fisix engine.
Efficient A* path finder
[ Prototype | March 03, 2007 ] by Neodroid
A function library to make an efficient A* pathfinding:very adaptable to any kind of tile games and very usefull too.
Isometric engine
[ Article / Tutorial | March 03, 2007 ] by Chris Lindsey (aka DebuggerCLL)
This is a simple isometric environment with movement example. It was inspired by the lack of easy-to-understand isometric Flash examples on the internet. This version is simple and streamlined, anyone trying to get a grasp on isometric game creation basics in Flash should be able to get what they are looking for here.
Game creation tutorial
[ Article / Tutorial | February 26, 2007 ] by Emanuele Feronato
This is the first part of a long step-by-step article that will guide you through the entire process of creating a Flash game including input management, basic physics, collision detection and a lot more!