WELCOME Here you can read some tutorials about making tile based
games with Macromedia Flash.
These tutorial are heavily based on OutsideOfSociety tutorials
by Klas Kroon. Go and read them anyway, those are one of best
you can find.
These tutorials expect you to know something about actionscript
and Macromedia Flash. They might be too hard to understand,
if you never before made any games with Flash. And as my English
is not very good, there are probably lots of mistakes and
some parts might not be well explained. Im sorry, I do my
best. If you find bugs or mistakes, let me know.
I have used Flash5 to create the code and source files. Mainly
because I am used to Flash5 and I work fast with it. The code
and source files work well in FlashMX (ver6) too, you shouldnt
have problems with them. The FlashMX2004 (ver7) with new AS2
is not compatible with older actionscript, so the code might
fail. It might work too, but generally, if you really want
to use AS2, you should write new code yourself. The principles,
of course, you can still use, so it might be worth look through
the tutorials anyway.
Examples and code and source files presented here are free
to use. You can modify them as you wish, you can use them
anyway you like.
I hope someone finds something useful here :)