Posted on June 14th, 2008

The gotoAndPlay() team announces the birth of OpenSpace, a powerful Flash based isometric engine and framework for rapid development of multi-user virtual worlds and MMO communities.
The engine leverages the power of Actionscript 3 and SmartFoxServer, offering an unprecedented level of features and customizations.
We have launched a preview website with a lot of informations and demos.
Check it out!
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Posted on May 26th, 2008
If you are interested in building large multiplayer games and applications you will be happy to read an in-depth document that illustrates the integration between SmartFoxServer PRO and Terracotta, providing highly scalable services with no single-point-of-failure.
Read the white-paper here!
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Posted on April 21st, 2008
UFHO is a unique turn-based multiplayer puzzle game that blends an original concept with addicting game mechanics and a bit of strategy. The resulting mix is a great gaming experience that will probably keep you hooked to screen for quite a while. We had the pleasure to interview the Italian developers behind UFHO and learn more about the concept and development of the game.
You can read the interview here.
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Posted on April 11th, 2008
An interesting article appeared on the Gamasutra website: The Casual Games Manifesto
From the article’s introduction: “Casual games are vital to the future of the biz - but how does a developer navigate the middlemen-strewn digital distribution future? In this in-depth piece, Daniel Cook presents a manifesto to help casual game devs get loyal customers with great social games”
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Posted on February 11th, 2008
Ernesto Quezada submitted three new games to our showcase:
- in La Cucaracha you have to kill as many little roaches as you can; but beware of “La Cucaracha”, as she’s trying to protect the little ones
- Slippery Pong is a clone of the classic game Pong, but you control both (slippery) paddles
- Slippery Breakout is a clone of the classic game Breakout, however the paddle is not too easy to control…
Have fun!
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