The Complete Guide to Isometric Pixel Art
[ October 22, 2004 ] by Rhys Davies aka RhysD
A long tutorial made of 7 chapters, covering all the aspects of isometric pixel art: drawing basic objects, colouring, lighting, texturing, drawing people, etc.


Large Individual Project: The Outside Of Your House

Ok, it's up to you now. This is the final challenge. This will really push your pixelling skills, and what you have learnt so far will most definitely be revisited during this project. I want you to pixel the outside view of your house in the isometric pixel art style. Remember, you can make it as simple or as detailed as you want, it's up to you. I've given you the basics and you should be able to create this masterpiece all by yourself. Good luck and remember to receive as much feedback as possible on your work, so you can keep improving it.

Final Words

I'd first like to thank you for taking the time to read through this tutorial of mine. It's taken me quite a while to make and I hope you have gained some valuable knowledge from it. I'd also like to thank all the people who have supported me over the years. It's you guys who really deserve the praise and respect. So thank you for reading, and i'll probably see you around the place (i.e. Commenting on your new pixel works at :)


Name: Rhys Davies aka RhysD
Location: n/a
Age: N/A
Flash experience: n/a
Job: n/a
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