Getting started with AS3 - Fourth Part - Moving the ball with camera input
A very cool and spectacular thing comes: our ball will be controlled by the camera input. We need a new class named MotionDetectorLogic, which checks for differences in a Video object, in which it should check for differences, and it will receive a Bitmap object, where it can draw the calculated differences, so we can check our algorythm.
But first, we have to draw an UML diagram, because our code is getting complicated. Watching a good programmer, the difference of the final code and his previously drawn UML diagram is under 40 percent :)
So, MotionDetectorLogic class has a setVideo and a setBitmap function, and we need a getPoints, which calculates the differences between two phases of the Video object, and stores them in an Array. Plus we need a drawDifference function, which draws the differing points, for debugging purposes.
Our UML looks like this:
package logic
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
ColorTransform is for color transformation, because we would like to show differences with fadeing green blocks. Class Rectangle is used by BitmapData.
public class MotionDetectorLogic
private var root:Object;
private var difColTR:ColorTransform;
private var actBMP:BitmapData;
private var oldBMP:BitmapData;
private var difBMP:BitmapData;
private var myBMP:Bitmap;
private var myVID:Video;
private var SENSITIVITY:int = 700000;
private var BLOCKSIZE:int = 10;
actBMP is the actual, oldBMP is the previous state of Video, diffBMP stores the differences. SENSITIVITY is the sensitivity of the color detection, BLOCKSIZE is the stepping.
public function MotionDetectorLogic ( myRoot:Object ):void
root = myRoot;
difColTR = new ColorTransform( 1 , 1 , 1 , .7 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 );
actBMP = new BitmapData( 320 , 240 , false , 0x000000 );
oldBMP = new BitmapData( 320 , 240 , false , 0x000000 );
difBMP = new BitmapData( 320 , 240 , true , 0x000000 );
addLog( "new MotionDetectorLogic " );
public function setVideo ( vidOBJ:Video ):void
myVID = vidOBJ;
addLog( "MotionDetectorLogic.setVideo " + vidOBJ );
public function setBitmap ( bmpOBJ:Bitmap ):void
myBMP = bmpOBJ;
myBMP.bitmapData = difBMP;
addLog( "MotionDetectorLogic.setBitmap " + bmpOBJ );
difBMP has to be transparent, and we created an "Empty" Bitmap class in the controller script, so we need to assign our BitmapData here.
public function getPoints ( ):Array
actBMP.draw( myVID );
var diffPoints:Array = [ ];
for ( var a:int = 0 ; a < actBMP.width ; a += BLOCKSIZE )
for ( var b:int = 0 ; b < actBMP.height ; b += BLOCKSIZE )
var oldPx:uint = oldBMP.getPixel( a , b );
var newPx:uint = actBMP.getPixel( a , b );
if ( ( oldPx - SENSITIVITY ) > newPx ||
( oldPx + SENSITIVITY ) < newPx )
diffPoints.push( { x:a , y:b } );
oldBMP = actBMP.clone( );
drawDifference( diffPoints );
//addLog( "MotionDetectorLogic.getPoints " + diffPoints );
return diffPoints;
This function does the real job, we "draw" the Video object to actBMP, then check points with BLOCKSIZE stepping, then check if the color of the actual pixel of newBMP differs from the proper pixel in oldBMP, and if yes, we store pixel coordinates in diffPoints. Before return, we draw up diffBMP.
public function drawDifference ( diffPoints:Array ):void
difBMP.colorTransform( difBMP.rect , difColTR );
for ( var a:int = 0 ; a < diffPoints.length ; ++a )
var p:Object = diffPoints[a];
var rect:Rectangle = new Rectangle( p.x , p.y
difBMP.fillRect( rect , 0xff00ff00 );
//addLog( "MotionDetectorLogic.drawDifference" );
First setting diffBMP-s alpha, then stepping through all points, and make a stepping-sided square.
public function addLog ( logText:String ):void
this.root.addLog( logText );
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
import flash.display.StageAlign;
import flash.utils.*;
import logic.MotionDetectorLogic;
import logic.InteractivePointLogic;
import flash.display.Sprite;
We have a lot to import, we need a Cam, Video, or previously written MotionDetectorLogic, and things from the previous tutorials.
public class FootballGame extends Sprite
private var moveTimer:Timer;
private var hasSkin:Boolean;
private var hasSound:Boolean;
private var ballSkinLO:Loader;
private var ballSkinSP:Sprite;
private var ballPopSND:Sound;
private var ballPoint:InteractivePointLogic;
public var RADIUS:Number = 20;
public var WIDTH:int = 320;
public var HEIGHT:int = 240;
private var xspeed:Number;
private var yspeed:Number;
private var oldx:Number;
private var oldy:Number;
private var motDetOBJ:MotionDetectorLogic;
private var movieVID:Video;
private var movieBMP:Bitmap;
private var movieCAM:Camera;
Define constants needed for Cam, Video, Bitmap, new constants with RADIUS, WIDTH, HEIGHT.
public function FootballGame ( )
stage.frameRate = 25;
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP;
movieVID = new Video( );
movieBMP = new Bitmap( );
movieCAM = Camera.getCamera( );
movieVID.attachCamera( movieCAM );
addChild( movieVID );
addChild( movieBMP );
motDetOBJ = new MotionDetectorLogic( this );
motDetOBJ.setVideo( movieVID );
motDetOBJ.setBitmap( movieBMP );
loadSkin( );
loadSound( );
addLog( "new FootballGame" );
Background drawing is gone, we have a Video object instead.
public function loadSkin ( ):void
ballSkinSP = new Sprite( );
addChild( ballSkinSP );
var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest( "soccerball.gif" );
ballSkinLO = new Loader( );
ballSkinLO.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE ,
skinLoaded );
ballSkinLO.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener( IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR ,
ioErrorHandler );
ballSkinLO.load( urlRequest );
ballSkinSP.addChild( ballSkinLO );
addLog( "FootballGame.loadSkin" );
public function loadSound ( ):void
var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest( "pop.mp3" );
ballPopSND = new Sound( );
ballPopSND.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE , soundLoaded );
ballPopSND.addEventListener( IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR ,
ioErrorHandler );
ballPopSND.load( urlRequest );
addLog( "FootballGame.loadSoun" );
public function ioErrorHandler ( eventOBJ:Event ):void
addLog( "ioError: " + eventOBJ );
public function skinLoaded ( eventOBJ:Event ):void
ballSkinLO.x = -RADIUS;
ballSkinLO.y = -RADIUS;
ballSkinLO.width = 2*RADIUS;
ballSkinLO.height = 2*RADIUS;
hasSkin = true;
initLogic( );
addLog( "FootballGame.skinLoaded" );
public function soundLoaded ( eventOBJ:Event ):void
hasSound = true;
initLogic( );
addLog( "FootballGame.soundLoaded" );
public function initLogic ( ):void
if ( hasSkin && hasSound )
ballPoint = new InteractivePointLogic( this );
ballPoint.xpos = 20;
ballPoint.ypos = 20;
ballPoint.xspeed = Math.random( )*5;
ballPoint.yspeed = Math.random( )*5;
ballPoint.setSkin( ballSkinSP );
ballPoint.setSound( ballPopSND );
moveTimer = new Timer( 25 );
moveTimer.addEventListener( TimerEvent.TIMER , step );
moveTimer.start( );
addLog( "FootbalGame.initLogic " + hasSkin + " " + hasSound );
public function step ( eventOBJ:Event ):void
var diffARR:Array = motDetOBJ.getPoints( );
for ( var a:int = 0 ; a < diffARR.length ; ++a )
var dx:Number = ballPoint.xpos - diffARR[a].x;
var dy:Number = ballPoint.ypos - diffARR[a].y;
var dr:Number = Math.sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy );
if ( dr < RADIUS )
ballPoint.xspeed = dx;
ballPoint.yspeed = dy;
ballPoint.step( );
step function asks differences from MotionDetectorLogic, then does a simple collosion detection: if distance between the ball's center and every difference point is under RADIUS, then we have a collosion: then it passes new xspeed and yspeed coordiantes to the ball, then stops the for loop.
public function dragBall ( ):void
addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE , moveBall );
moveTimer.stop( );
addLog( "FootbalGame.dragBall" );
public function releaseBall ( ):void
removeEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE , moveBall );
ballPoint.xspeed = xspeed;
ballPoint.yspeed = yspeed;
moveTimer.start( );
addLog( "FootbalGame.releaseBall" );
public function moveBall ( eventOBJ:MouseEvent ):void
ballPoint.xpos = mouseX;
ballPoint.ypos = mouseY;
ballPoint.updateSkin( );
xspeed = mouseX - oldx;
yspeed = mouseY - oldy;
oldx = mouseX;
oldy = mouseY;
addLog( "FootbalGame.moveBall" + mouseX + " " + mouseY );
public function addLog( logText:String ):void
trace( logText );
package logic
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Loader;
public class InteractivePointLogic
private var root:Object;
private var gravity:Number = 0.5;
private var skinSP:Sprite;
private var ballSND:Sound;
public var xpos:Number;
public var ypos:Number;
public var xspeed:Number;
public var yspeed:Number;
public function InteractivePointLogic ( myRoot:Sprite )
root = myRoot;
addLog( "new InteractivePointLogic" );
public function setSkin ( mySP:Sprite ):void
skinSP = mySP;
skinSP.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN , mouseDownHandler );
skinSP.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP , mouseUpHandler );
addLog( "InteractivePointLogic.setSkin " + mySP );
public function updateSkin ( ):void
skinSP.x = xpos;
skinSP.y = ypos;
skinSP.rotation += xspeed;
//addLog( "InteractivePointLogic.updateSkin" );
public function setSound ( mySND:Sound ):void
ballSND = mySND;
addLog( "InteractivePointLogic.setSound " + mySND );
public function step ( ):void
yspeed += gravity;
if ( xpos + xspeed > root.WIDTH - root.RADIUS )
// );
xspeed *= -.9;
if ( xpos + xspeed < 0 + root.RADIUS )
// );
xspeed *= -.9;
if ( ypos + yspeed > root.HEIGHT - root.RADIUS - 20 )
// );
yspeed -= gravity;
yspeed *= -.9;
if ( ypos + yspeed < 0 + root.RADIUS )
// );
yspeed *= -.9;
xpos += xspeed;
ypos += yspeed;
updateSkin( );
//addLog( "InteractivePointLogic.step" );
public function mouseDownHandler ( eventOBJ:MouseEvent ):void
root.dragBall( );
public function mouseUpHandler ( eventOBJ:MouseEvent ):void
root.releaseBall( );
private function addLog ( logText:String ):void
root.addLog( logText );
Not much changed: new constants appeared ( father has been renamed to root, because these classes are "simple" classes, they aren't inherited from DisplayObject ).
Check it here : motionball
Source: motionball
If the code is too sensitive, set SENSITIVITY to a higher valuse. If you want, you can comment drawDifference out.
Have a good time, i do headkicking professionally.