ActionScript 2: applying theory to a game prototype
[ December 22, 2003 ] by Marco Lapi, a.k.a Lapo
In this article Lapo discusses the new features of Actionscript 2.0 and how they can be used to better organize the code in a game / game engine. If you're totally new to this topic we would reccomend you to stop here and go back to Joey Lott's introduction to AS 2.0 before starting with this one.

Download the source code of this prototype


The most significant change in Actionscript 2.0 is the introduction of classes for the creation of objects, making the language a lot more similar to C++ and Java. Also other keywords such as "interface", "implements" and "extends" are now part of the language making the old prototype chain something a bit obsolete.

In this tutorial we will give you an example of how to use classes to define extensible datatypes that help you better organize your code in a game project.
For the sake of simplicity the game in question is a basic pong-like game where you move a green "paddle" with the mouse trying to keep the red ball in the playfield.


The first thing we should start with, is creating a Sprite class. A sprite class should encapsulate all the basic informations (or objects) that define the most simple and re-usable sprite implementation for our game:

  • a movie clip that represents the sprite;
  • an initial position on the screen;
  • a boolean value for it's status. True = active and visibile, False = inactive and invisible.

Based on this generic implementation of a sprite we can extend it and create more specialized objects that are needed in our game: for example we will need a ball sprite that will have a speed value and also two direction values for the X and Y movements.
This is where inheritance comes in play: we can create a new class that extends the characteristics of our Sprite class adding the new features we need for the ball sprite (see figure #1).

Picture 1

Here follows the code for the sprite class:

class Sprite
	private var _mc:MovieClip
	private var _isActive:Boolean
	function Sprite(timeline:MovieClip, sourceMc:String, px:Number, py:Number, isActive:Boolean)
			Initialize the level counter
		if (_global.lvl == undefined)
			_global.lvl = 0
		_mc = timeline.attachMovie(sourceMc, "sprite_" + _global.lvl, _global.lvl)

		_mc._x 		= px
		_mc._y 		= py
		_isActive 	= isActive
		if (!_isActive) _mc._visible = false
	public function getClip():MovieClip
		return _mc
	public function collides(sp:Sprite):Boolean
		return _mc.hitTest(sp.getClip())
		Getter / Setter for _isActive property
	public function get isActive():Boolean
		return _isActive
	public function set isActive(flag:Boolean):Void
		_isActive = flag
		if (_isActive)
			_mc._visible = true
			_mc._visible = false
	public function get x():Number
		return _mc._x
	public function get y():Number
		return _mc._y
	public function set x(x:Number):Void
		_mc._x = x
	public function set y(y:Number):Void
		_mc._y = y
	public function getWidth():Number
		return _mc._width
	public function getHeight():Number
		return _mc._height

After the Class declaration we start creating two private properties: a moviclip that will store a reference to an on stage movieclip and a boolean value that controls the sprite status (active/inactive).
You should note that private member names are preceded by an underscore ( _ ) symbol to differentiate them from public ones.

Next we move on the constructor method. As you may already know this "special" method is always public and it doesn't have
a return value. The constructor is used to initialize the class members and for general object setup.
First of all you'll notice that it requires 5 parameters:

  • timeline: is the target timeline where the sprite is attached;
  • sourcMc: a string representing the linkage ID of the m.c. you want to attach;
  • px: an integer value representing the start x position;
  • py: an integer value representing the start y position;
  • isActive: a boolean value that switches the sprite status (true = active and visible, false = inactive and invisible).

The next 2 lines create a _global value to keep track of the level number to pass to the attachMovie function.
It is very important to setup this global variable in order to always attach a new m.c. to a new level, otherwise we will overwrite existing clips.
Then we attach the movieclip from the library, we give it a start position and save a reference to it in the _mc property.

Once the constructor is setup we define a public method called getClip() that simply returns a reference to the sprite movieclip.

Next we have a method called collides() that checks if a collision has occured with another sprite using the built-in hitTest method.


From this point, the rest of the code is just made up of getter/setter couples that handle reading and writing of the other private members.
For those of you who aren't familiar with the get/set system I will say that this is a very interesting and advanced way of managing private properties. A getter/setter is a method that reads/writes a private member and exposes it as if it was public.

Please take a look to the _isActive property and to its getter/setter methods: what we have here is a private variable that is not accessible directly from outside the class, while the two methods expose a variable called isActive (no underscore) that works externally as a public member and internally as methods.

Say you have a Sprite object called sp, if you try this:

sp._isActive = true

you'll get a compiler error since you're trying to access a private var from outside the object.

Now analyze this code:

sp.isActive = true

output >> true

In the first line the setter is invoked and the private member is set, while in the second line the getter method is invoked and the value of _isActive is returned.

As you may have noticed the advantages of this approach is that you can validate the input values, filtering unwanted data and also provide more complex functionalities when a certain member is set.


Now we can create the BallSprite class and see what is going on with the inheritance.

class BallSprite extends Sprite
	private var _speed:Number
	private var _dx:Number
	private var _dy:Number
		Class Constructor
	function BallSprite(timeline:MovieClip, sourceMc:String,
				px:Number, py:Number, isActive:Boolean, sp:Number)
		super(timeline, sourceMc, px, py, isActive)
		if (sp >= 0 && sp <= 10)
			_speed = sp
			_speed = 5
		dx = 1
		dy = -1
		_speed getter/setter
	public function get speed():Number
		return _speed
	public function set speed(sp:Number):Void
		if (sp >=0 && sp <= 10)
			_speed = sp
		_dx getter/setter
	public function get dx():Number
		return _dx
	public function set dx(d:Number):Void
		if (Math.abs(d) == 1)
			_dx = d
		_dy getter/setter
	public function get dy():Number
		return _dy
	public function set dy(d:Number):Void
		if (Math.abs(d) == 1)
			_dy = d

The BallSprite class extends the functionalities of our generic Sprite class by adding three new private members that represent speed, x direction and y direction respectively (directions are expressed with a value of 1 if positive or a value of -1 if negative).

If you analyze the constructor function you'll notice that it requires more parameters than the parent class: the first 5 values are sent to the parent constructor while the new ones are handled by the BallSprite class.

What is going on here is very simple: the keyword super() invokes the parent class constructor so that you don't have to re-write the same code in the extended class. In other words the parameters that are in common with the parent class are handled by the parent constructor and the BallSprite class just handles the new ones.

This is what code reusability is about!

The rest of the code is just getter/setter methods for the new private memebers.


At this point we have created a generic Sprite class that we'll use for the "paddle" and a more specialized BallSprite class that extends the former.

Open the source .fla file and take a look at the code inside the 1st frame: we instantiate a new Sprite and a new BallSprite objects passing "this" as the timeline to attach the moviclips to. The ball sprite is given random X and Y position.

Then a simple mouse listener is setup to catch the mouse position and move the paddle accordingly and an onEnterFrame
thread is started. The thread will update the ball position on every frame and also handle the bouncing on the walls.


I can agree with the many flash developers who complained about the fact that Flash MX 2004 didn't bring much news to game development. However Actionscript 2.0 can have a huge impact in better code organization and design: classes make inheritance and polymorfism easier to understand and Java/C++ programmers will find AS2 very familiar.

Take some time with this examples and try to experiment on your own with these concept that may be new for some of you. If you have any questions about this article, please post them in the forums.


Name: Marco Lapi, a.k.a Lapo
Location: Fossano, Italy
Age: 34
Flash experience: started out with Flash 4 back in 1999
Job: web designer/developer
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